What you experienced is probably an episode of reflex syncope, specifically a vasovagal syncope. As you might guess from the name, it involves the vagus nerve. Strong emotions may cause a neurologically triggered sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate. Women are more prone to that than men (which is why the knee-jerk reaction to a woman falling to the ground is "she has a syncope", whereas if the same happens to a man "he has a heart attack". That's why women are at a disadvantage when a heart attack strikes them). These episodes can be very brief. And you are lucky that you were seated, otherwise, you would have dropped to the floor,. That's actually Mother Nature's whole point of the syncope exercise. Because once the body is in the horizontal, it is much easier to supply blood to the brain (no need to pump it against gravity). So, while I don't want to spoil your supernatural interpretation, as a natural scientist, I'm inclined to look for explanations in the area I'm familiar with. But who knows?