The "balancing" of the diet is, in my experience, what people struggle with. I struggled with it myself. My personal solution was to breakfast into an "anchor meal". That is a smoothie that contains all the key veggies, fruits, protein powder, milk, and some spices, which collectively are designed to keep the vasculature in pristine condition. I have published the recipe for this anchor meal here on medium ( My wife and I have been doing this for over 10 years now. Once a week, we fortify it with a concentrated vitamin D dose. The "anchor meal" has two plus points: first, it delivers a great punch of nutrients, and second, we don't need to worry about getting "sloppy" with the remaining meals of the day. Of course, one can modify the recipe in accordance with one's personal nutrition needs and health status. It's certainly more convenient than having to carefully plan every meal of the day.