That's exactly how I feel when reading your posts. There is often a very strong single point but I need to read several times to be sure that I understand it correctly. If it is any consolation, Chris, I had the same problem when I started to write. When we are deep into a subject, we feel that every aspect of it is important for our readers to know, and that's where we get lost.
The best training I received in remedying this issue came from two very different sources. The first was from having to write funding applications. The most difficult ones are the two-step apllications that pretend to make it easy: "just give us a 3-page summary, we will then decide which applicants will be invited for a detailed application".
Allow me 30 pages and you'll have my application in a day or two, allow me only 3 pages and it will take a month.
The second source is my wife. She is not a scientist. So, when she says, "what do you want to say? I don't get your point" then it's back to the drawing board.. Both sources can be frustrating, but excellent disciplinarians.
I'd be very happy if you could keep me in the loop with your research. If you ever want to use our research platform for doing rigorous N-of-1 experiments, let me know. The architecture on which it resides is used by Monitored Therapeutics which use this architecture e.g. for Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinics and others (you can see them on the monitoredrx website.