Thanks, Maryem, for your kind appreciation. To the rescue of the replication experiments: Replication is a must in medical science. It's the proof of the pudding, so to speak. Experiments with small numbers of participants typically yield, or at least present, large effects. If these can't be replicated, it's no point pursuing that experimental path. In fact, Nature just retracted a 2002 paper that claimed that certain adult stem cells could be made pluripotent (develop into any type of cell) because the experiment proved non-replicable. That it took 22 years is a shame, but replication experiments are important. The Pharma industry, by the way, is very unhappy with this situation of fake, non-replicable studies, too. The industry very often finds itself on a wild-goose chase when they enter molecules into their R&D pipeline that flame out during replication experiments.