Thanks, George, for your kind response and interest.
I haven’t tried fisetin or the other supplements/drugs you mentioned on myself. Not because I don’t subscribe to them, but simply because I didn’t have the opportunity/motivation yet. But in the future, I’ll experiment, too.
You can try any combo or single supplement of your choice using our LiLo system and the scale.
Once you have the scale send me a note via email ( I’ll mail you your access token to LiLo and the instructions of how to register your scale. Then you’ll be ready to go.
For the first 14 days DO NOT TAKE the supplements. This is necessary to establish the baseline. After that, you continue with weighing but take the supplement. LiLo will do the rest and evaluate your progress.
Your self-experiments with the other supplements you mentioned are perfectly alright. You can test their efficacy in the same way as I described for the P+Q trial. Feel free to choose any combo..