Thanks, Dr. Yildiz, for a very thought-provoking piece. I hadn't even been aware of the term Internet of Bodies before reading your post.
I am in the optimists' camp as far as the future is concerned. Not because I am naive. Because voices like yours are necessary for us to arrive at a utopian rather than dystopian future. The London Times predicted in 1894 that in 50 years, every street in London would be buried under nine feet of manure. Then came the invention of the car. In 1949, Orwell’s take on a future 1984 was dystopian and, given the experiences mankind had made by then, plausible. In later decades, it was acid rain, nuclear war, the ozone hole, and a still seemingly unending list of threats that, if we were to believe the pessimists, should have annihilated mankind by now.
I’m not poking fun at those predictions. On the contrary. Here is why: They serve as a magnifying device for an examination of our present. From that examination come forth the changes in direction that would otherwise lead us towards those predicted calamities.
This conviction is at the root of my optimism. As long as we have voices like yours, I’m confident that we will avert the predicted disasters. So, thank you for being one of those voices!