Thanks, David, for your kind appreciation and for your feedback. It's interesting that you mention item 6, daily weighing, in the context of feedback. We use that feedback in a little web application to facilitate a process that psychologists call implicit learning. I'd prefer the term intuitive learning, but the idea is to develop a 6th sense for one's daily calorie balance. The process is simple: you weigh yourself everyday, at the end of each day you make a one-click estimate (on a Liekert scale) whether you expect your today's calorie balance (input minus output) to be positive, neutral or negative, and the next day you get the feedback though your weight change. Once you do that for at least 2-4 weeks, you get better and better at intuitively realizing which types of food and activities affect your weight in which direction. The app also provides quantified feedback about this ability. It helps most people get their weight control on autopilot.
S, yes, the feedback that you get from your daily weighing is essential.