Thanks, George, for your detailed background info. Funny things first, we share a somewhat challenged memory for numbers and names.
I wasn’t aware of Limonene at all. Very interesting to hear about its effect on your GERD problem.
Your supplementation protocol is an interesting self-experiment. While the supplements you chose may not have been researched to the extent we would like, your choice is prudently on the safe side (not much risk of over-dosing). The problem of becoming a ‘hard-gainer’ of muscle mass when aging is well known. I have been a hard-gainer all my life, but last year I found a routine that works surprisingly well for me (combining dynamic and isometric modes within each rep and set). As you suspect, lifelong training has provided you with a high level of muscle mass to work from. So, once north of 65, I think, not losing muscle mass is already a gain.
As far as the N-of-1 self-experimenting with our LiLo system is concerned, we consider every individual a one-person clinical trial that the user can perform by themselves (with backup and supervision from me, if and when required). So there is no fixed time when to start with it.
So, if you ever feel the need to test whether a certain supplement or other intervention has a measurable effect on your vascular biological age and rate of aging, let me know. Then we can arrange for you to use it. The only requirements are that you have the Withings scale I mentioned earlier and that you are prepared to go through a 2-week baseline period during which you abstain from that supplement or intervention that you want to test (that’s a prerequisite for N-of-1).
If you want to contact me via e-mail, just use the contact form on our website.
Until then, I wish you all the best for your health and self-experiments. I’m impressed.