Not to worry, Kylie. Only the first two-thre times of preparation may take you a bit longer. Once it has become a routine, you can whip it up in under 10 minutes. Juleit does it every morning, though she being the exemplary kitchen Nazi, has everything organised in such a way that every move is cut down to its absolute minimum. If I get in the way, all hell breaks loose.
If you can't use the recipe for breakfast, try it on occasion as a meal replacement during the day when you have more time for preparation. We use this recipe or some variance on our "detox days" when we have to recover from some previous day's dietary excess that has pushed our weight into the outer orbits of normal.
Anyway, you could also train your husband or your daughter to do the work. Fortunately, I live far enough away to not have to fear their boxing me into a coma for having made that suggestion.