I welcome those ground rules as much as you and any genuine writer does. We all craft our articles taking time for fact checking, for structuring, writing , creating illustrations, editing and re-editing, only to see others spewing out AI creations at a rate that no human could ever achieve.
I'm fully with you, but I have my doubts about the operationalization. I have voiced those doubts to Buster Benson in his recent article on the subject. The Medium algorithm's current ability to detect AI-generated content is wanting. I'm using an AI detector to screen responses to my articles when their tone suggests AI origins. And I regularly detect such responses. I also use it to check some of the posts of large-pub editors who (a) explicitly (and rightfully) require abstention from AI in their submission guidelines, but who (b) themselves author articles at a rate and content volume that seems in contrast to what is humanely achievable. In many cases, the detectors suggest >50% of such articles are AI-generated. So, I'm curious to see whether 1st of May will bring the desired change. I certainly would welcome it.