I don't want to be the party pooper here, but my own experience is: all this doesn't help when you are in the grip of existential threats that keep you up at night and never leave your mind. No amount of journaling or being grateful or whatever got me happy then. The only thing that got me through those periods was a "f**k you, fate" attitude and mindset, accepting the challenge of getting out of that tunnel on the other side, and knowing that I can. In these situations, I didn't need happiness. I needed bullet-proofing against giving up. I realized that happiness is for whiners, grit is for winners. That has served me better than anything else from the smorgasbord of psychology.
What I observe today is that those people who should have the least of worries, are the best at inventing unhappiness trivialities. That's why the 6th item on your list should actually be: "compare yourself to those that have real worries, e.g. those living in Ukraine, in the Middle Eastern hotbeds of war, women who live in Afghanistan, kids born into slums, poverty, and hunger. Imagine all those for just one single minute. If that doesn't restore your happiness, then you are beyond redemption.