Hi, Patti, thanks for that very insightful piece of self-observation. The biohacking part is what triggered my response. I’m fully with you on that. There is so much to gain from self-experimentation, which is why I have made it the focus of my R&D work on healthy aging.
One fallout of my work was a simple method to awaken and train one’s 6th sense for calorie balance. I have written about this in another post of mine , coincidentally about Ozempic (https://medium.com/right-to-rejuvenation/a-solution-to-the-obesity-epidemic-part-2-2a328b090f7).
Alternatively, you can read up on it on my website https://www.adiphea.com/en/a-6th-sense-for-calorie-balance/
It might be helpful for you during the process of weaning from Ozempic. I’m happy to let you have a go at it completely free of charge, as I’m always happy to work with dedicated people like yourself. You can also privately message me here on medium, or through the contact form on our website.
Oh, and as a proof of success: visit the About Us page on my website, scroll down to the picture section. You’ll see my wife (and me) at age 67 (now). We both have been using our 6th sense system for the past 12 years, and Juliet made it through menopause with not a single kg of weight gain. Of course, doing exercise is essential, too.
So, let me know, my offer stands.