At the risk of disappointing you: I did not “conveniently ignore” the association between alcohol consumption and liver disease. In fact, had I used this aspect, you’d be far more outraged at me than you are now.
Here is why: the association between alcohol and liver disease is (a) far less clear than what is popularly assumed, and (b) much weaker than the association between cancer and CVD. Once you disentangle alcohol from obesity and diabetes, the two predominant causes of fatty liver disease, the association becomes very weak. (Of course, you won’t believe neither me nor the data, but just in case you wanna have a look at them: [2] Niezen S, Trivedi HD, Mukamal KJ, Jiang ZG. Associations between alcohol consumption and hepatic steatosis in the USA. Liver Int 2021;41:2020–3. doi:10.1111/liv.15020).
I’m happy to look at the study you mentioned, but you’ll need to give me the reference.
Oh, and one more thing: regular exercise of >7.5 MET hours per week dramatically reduces the risk for alcohol associated cancers.